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Myths and Facts About Stroke that You Need to Know

“There are many myths about stroke, one of which is the myth that stroke cannot be prevented. In fact, stroke can be prevented through healthy lifestyle changes and managing risk factors.”

Thedoctormedical , united states– Ordinary people who are still young often ask questions about what is a stroke and what causes it. Stroke is a medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted or reduced due to a blockage. In addition, it could also be due to rupture of blood vessels.

This disease is a serious disease and can be fatal. However, there are many myths circulating around this disease, so it can confuse the common people. To find out the myths and facts about stroke, continue reading this article!

Myths and Facts About Stroke

The following are myths and facts about stroke that need to be understood:

1. Myth: Strokes only happen to older people.

Fact: Although strokes are more common in older people (elderly), in fact, strokes can be experienced in people of all ages. In fact, the number of stroke cases at a young age is also increasing. Factors that increase the risk of stroke at a young age are hypertension, smoking, obesity, and diabetes.

2. Myth: Strokes cannot be prevented.

Fact: In fact, many strokes can be prevented through healthy lifestyle changes and managing risk factors. Some actions that can reduce the risk of stroke include:

Manage high blood .
Maintain a healthy weight.
Quit smoking.
Exercise regularly.
Manage diabetes well.

3. Myth: Stroke does not cause clear symptoms.

Fact: Stroke often has obvious symptoms. So, what do stroke symptoms start with? Early symptoms can include:

Difficulty speaking.
Numbness or weakness on one side of the body.
Hard to walk.
Dizziness seemed to spin.
Impaired vision.

It is important to recognize the signs of a stroke and get medical help right away if stroke symptoms appear.

4. Myth: Only people with high blood pressure are at risk of stroke.

Fact: High blood pressure is a major risk factor for stroke, but not the only one. Meanwhile, other factors such as smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol , family history of stroke, and an unhealthy lifestyle, can also increase the risk of stroke.

Can people who have had a stroke recover?

Even though it is a life-threatening disease, stroke sufferers can still recover completely. However, the thing that really determines the healing is the handling time. Was immediately taken to the hospital after having a stroke, or not.

In fact, most individuals who have had a stroke are putting off seeing a doctor . In fact, there are new visits to the doctor after a few days after the attack took place.

In fact, the "golden period" or "golden time" of stroke treatment is in the first 4.5 hours of attack. The sooner medical treatment, the better. The more it is postponed, the worse the impact will be.

It is also important for you to remember, never do self-care when dealing with a stroke. To get a great chance of recovery, go to the hospital immediately when a stroke strikes. But if you have to wait for medical help when someone has a stroke, this is first aid when someone has a stroke .

You also need to understand, the healing process for stroke does not look at age. This means that anyone who has had a stroke, whether they are of productive age or the elderly, has the same chance of making a full recovery.

It's just that, the recovery time depends on how wide the area that attacks the brain. If the part of the brain that is blocked or has bleeding is extensive enough, the longer it takes for recovery.

In addition, psychological factors also affect whether a stroke can be completely cured or not. Even psychological factors play an important role in the recovery process. Does the sufferer have a desire from himself to recover completely or is this motivation lacking.

Don't forget the social factor too. Stroke sufferers really need encouragement and motivation from family and friends. This support is very helpful in the stroke recovery process.

So, always remember, if someone you know has had a stroke, immediately take him to the nearest health facility to get medical help. This is for the sake of healing.

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